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AI Summary powered by ChatGPT

Mkdocs-ai-summary is a tool designed for users who need AI to summarize their words. Originally created for a blog site, it is now open to the public. The package is installed with pip, and currently supports only ChatGPT and Tongyi AI. To use these, an environmental variable must be set for the respective api key. Configuration options include api, model, ignore_code, cache, cache_dir, and prompt. Setup guides are provided for both ChatGPT and Tongyi AI summaries. There's also an option to setup ai summary for each page separately. The package comes with a cache function to prevent duplicate api calls. The function checks if the content has been summarized before and, if it hasn't changed, it uses the cache. The creators extend their thanks to projects like mkdocs and mkdocs-material.

PyPI - Version PyPI - Implementation PyPI - Python Version


Minimal demo(raw mkdocs): AIboy996/mkdocs-ai-summary-minimal-example

AIboy996/mkdocs-ai-summary-minimal-example - GitHub

Another demo(mkdocs-material theme): AIboy996/mkdocs-ai-summary

AIboy996/mkdocs-ai-summary - GitHub

Real world demo(my homepage):

AIboy996/ - GitHub

I wrote these codes for my blog site at first. Now it's open for anyone who may need AI to summarize his words.


You should install the package with pip:

pip install mkdocs-ai-summary[chatgpt]
# this will install `openai` additionally
pip install mkdocs-ai-summary[tongyi]
# this will install `dashscope` additionally


Only support ChatGPT and tongyi ai for now.

To use ChatGPT(default), you should set a Environmental Variable for api key:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='sk-xxxxxxx'
how to get an OPENAI_API_KEY?

To use tongyi ai, you should set a Environmental Variable for api key:

export DASHSCOPE_API_KEY='sk-xxxxxxx'
how to get an DASHSCOPE_API_KEY?


(this is optional, and iff you are using mkdocs-material theme this can work)

Then you can include the ai-summary.css(optional, this is for the custom ai summary admonition style) in the config file as below.


Options can be set

name type default value note
api str chatgpt only support chatgpt or tongyi
model str gpt-3.5-turbo -
ignore_code bool true ignore code block in markdown
cache bool true -
cache_dir str "./" -
prompt str "Please help me summarize the following content into an abstract within 200 words: " -

For ChatGPT Summary

Setup mkdocs.yml like this:

site_name: mkdocs-ai-summary
  name: material

  - ai-summary:
      api: "chatgpt"
      model: "gpt-3.5-turbo"
      ignore_code: true 
      cache: true
      cache_dir: "./"
      prompt: "Please help me summarize the following content into an abstract within 200 words: "
  - tags

  - admonition
  - pymdownx.details
  - pymdownx.superfences
  - pymdownx.tabbed:
      alternate_style: true 
  - ai-summary.css

Then for the page you want an ai-summary, just add a meta tag:

- ai-summary

# title

hello ai summary.

For tongyi ai Summary

or you can use tongyi ai by setting:

  - ai-summary:
      api: "tongyi"
      model: "qwen-turbo"
      ignore_code: true
      cache: true
      cache_dir: "./"
      prompt: "Please help me summarize the following content into an abstract within 200 words: "

Setup ai-summary for specific page

You can also setup ai summary for each page separately:

- ai-summary
    api: "tongyi"
    model: "qwen-turbo"
    prompt: "帮我把下面的内容总结为200字以内的摘要:"

# title

hello ai summary.

all config options are available. Page configuration will override unified configuration.

About Cache

Don't worry about duplicate api calls, we've made the cache function so that if you've done an ai-summary before and the content hasn't changed it will use the cache.

Enjoy it.


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